Daughters' Guild Toast to Tots event will feature an amazing dinner from McMenamin’s in Bothell, drinks, silent and live auction, games, dessert dash, patient speaker, raise the paddle and more. All ...
Definition. Bacterial infection of the umbilical stump with spread to the skin around it. It's a medical emergency. How Often. 1 out of 200 newborns. Symptoms. Redness spreads around the navel. The ...
There are many ways that children can hurt their toes. There are also many types of toe injuries. You can treat minor toe injuries at home. Here is some care advice that should help. Caution: be ...
Swallows an unusual but harmless, non-solid substance Swallows a bad-looking, bad-smelling, or bad tasting food Swallows a non-food substance Ate food or drink that is spoiled or has set out at room ...
Too much earwax can cause rubbing of the ear or poking in the canal. A piece of ear wax can become dry and hard in the ear canal. This creates a feeling that an object is in the ear. Complete blockage ...
A reflex response to strong feelings. This reflex allows some children to hold their breath long enough to pass out. Spells do not happen on purpose. This happens in 5% of healthy children.
The wood tick (dog tick) is the size of an apple seed. After feeding, it can double or triple in size. Sometimes, it can pass on Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Colorado tick fever. The deer tick is ...
Cracked skin or dry, rough skin Cracked skin on hands, feet and lips Dry, rough skin of entire body surface Cracks heal faster if protected from air exposure and drying. Keep the cracks constantly ...
The skin bumps are the body's reaction to the insect's saliva. While the bug is sucking blood, some of its secretions get mixed in. Anaphylaxis With Insect Bites: Very Rare A severe life-threatening ...
Cause. An allergic reaction of the nose and sinuses to an inhaled substance. The medical name for this is allergic rhinitis. The allergic substance is called an allergen. Most allergens float in the ...
Swallows a non-food solid object Adult suspects an object was swallowed Includes object found in the stool with no history of it being swallowed. Sometimes, a young child swallows an object when no ...
Pain or discomfort in the upper, mid or lower back Minor muscle strain from overuse and back injury are included Most new lower back pain is caused by lifting heavy objects. Lifting while the back is ...