Time flies. We’re at “pi day” (3.14), two weeks until the end of the quarter, one month before our taxes are due. Tax returns ...
Even if Slightly Weaker Friday's trading session was the most uneventful of the week.  It began with moderate losses in the ...
Seemingly overnight (i.e. over the past 30 days when it comes to markets reacting to economic data), the CPI and PPI ...
Despite some ups and downs on a small scale, mortgage rates have been sideways in the bigger picture.  That's a good thing if ...
Mortgage rates hit their highest levels in just over 2 weeks yesterday and they were on track to remain unchanged today. In ...
It's been an on-again, off-again week for bonds and several of their trading motivations.  Economic data has played its part ...
Stocks Save Bonds From Modest Losses You won't always be able to count on the market dynamics we've seen over the past few ...
Why Aren't Bonds Happier About CPI? For the 2nd month in a row, the market's reaction to a CPI/PPI report ended up being less ...
With fiscal and geopolitical developments dominating the news cycle, it would be easy to forget that interest rates prefer to ...
Conventional 30yr fixed mortgage rates hit their lowest levels in months last Tuesday morning, with the average lender right ...
Consolidation Continues Ahead of CPI February 19th through March 3rd marked an exceptionally directional rally for bonds. The ...