Whether he’s got surplus split pea from Panera or weirder donations, like bison or black ramen noodles, chef Raheem Ajayi rises to the challenge at this venerable soup kitchen and so much more.
With water breaks that cause road collapses a regular occurrence in the city, a resident asks why DPW hasn’t stopped this “river in my street” after her many service requests warning about it.
Advocates say the trend shows the success of the city’s efforts to promote dockless devices not just as recreational rides, but as a practical means of commuting to work or running errands.
A former city planning director and onetime mayoral candidate is the leading candidate to become CEO and president of Baltimore’s economic development arm, The Brew has learned. “Active conversations” ...
Baltimore Brew is a daily online journal featuring independent reporting and informed commentary about greater Baltimore.
The research will focus on police recruitment and preventing vacant housing, described as “two of Baltimore’s most pressing problems” by Terrance Smith, the innovation team “I-team” chief.
Uniting the 41st’s political factions with a helpful assist from his wife, the community president is set to go to Annapolis.
Giving up on doing its own planting, the city leans on a sometimes controversial contractor to furnish trees and shrubs for city parks and streets.
Laying low since his term as Baltimore City Council president ended in December, Nick Mosby has resurfaced as a nominee for the board of the Maryland State Lottery & Gaming Control Commission. His ...