In "Superbloom," Nicholas Carr laments that we live in a state of uncontrollable sensory and communication overload.
With crumbling infrastructure, officials and health care workers face many of the same problems exposed by Covid.
The agency froze most spending above $1. Government researchers now struggle to carry out basic functions of their jobs.
Less-wealthy institutions may be particularly hard hit by the proposed reductions in funding for biomedical research.
In March and April of 2020, more than 50,000 people in the United States died from the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Doctors were forced to guess at which treatments might work, while hospitals ...
Where some saw an imperfect compromise, other attendees apparently left the talks in disgust. In published reports, for ...
With RFK Jr. at the HHS helm, the $70-billion industry may push bolder health claims and government payment policies.