In the same way that genome sequencing determines the genetic makeup of an organism, Bryan Johnson — the investor and founder ...
Optimal therapeutic targeting of cancer involves clonal signals which are expressed within all cancer cellsGradalis applies a novel clinically relevant approach to determine clonal tumor mutation ...
Spatial transcriptomics is a cutting-edge technique that characterizes gene expression within sections of tissue, such as ...
Kokoris came up with the idea of solving some of the noise issue of nanopore sequencing by converting DNA into larger ...
In the past, fielding technologies to warfighters has followed a structured lather, rinse, repeat routine. The demand signal for a capability comes ...
Gene-sequencing company Oxford Nanopore Technologies Plc’s shares plunged the most in more than a year as uncertainty around ...
Precision Medicine Institute today announces the recent opening of its innovative whole-genome sequencing lab that is ...
A new collaboration between the MHRA and Barts Health NHS Trust has led to introduction a new DNA sequencing technology ...
The first resource containing high-resolution DNA sequencing data for over 37,000 children and parents collected over ...
Beijing banned imports of Illumina’s gene-sequencing machines in response to U.S. tariffs.
In the same way that genome sequencing determines the genetic makeup of an organism, Bryan Johnson — the investor and founder behind the Don’t Die movement — wants to start “foodome” sequencing.