Uudet lihavuuslääkkeet ovat teholtaan leikkauksen veroisia, mutta Kela-korvaukset maksaisivat yhtä paljon kuin maanpuolustus.
Kerimäen aluekeittiö toimittaa nykyiseen tapaan koululaisten ja päiväkotilasten ruokaa Kerimäen lisäksi Savonrannalle ja ...
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees are facing significant challenges as the airline’s staff ticketing portal, known as the “Hit-It” system, has been offline for the past 10 days.
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) employees are facing severe difficulties as the airline’s staff ticketing portal, the "Hit-It" system, has been inactive for the past 10 days. The ...
At a panel discussion hosted by the Phoenix chapter of the Urban Land Institute, Grant Fisher, president and CEO of VAI Resort, said the resort, which will have about 1,100 hotel rooms ...
A Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight en route from Lahore to Dubai narrowly escaped a major accident after a bird strike. The incident occurred when the bird collided with the engine of ...
ISLAMABAD: Following a botched attempt, the government has moved the privatisation of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) to the second phase and will now focus on the sale of power distribution ...
There's only so much touring they can do. "Adrian Belew is a totally unique artist," Vai said. "He has really great ears and intonation, but his ability to create unique sounds from a guitar and ...
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has formally requested Airport Coordination Limited (ACL), the world’s leading airport slot coordinator, to lease two of its London Heathrow slots to Saudi ...
Miksi suomalaisvanhemmat uupuvat? Erityistason psyko- ja perheterapeutti Pia Penttala kohtaa työssään pienten lasten vanhempia, joiden sanat pysäyttävät. Ruuhkavuodet uuvuttavat vanhempia.