The tiny ice in­hab­it­ants darken the gla­cier sur­face and can thus ac­cel­er­ate its melt­ing. Tiny algae darken the surface of glaciers and thus accelerate their melting. This is the case, for ...
The successful development of sustainable georesources for the energy transition is a key challenge for humankind in the 21st century. Hydrogen gas (H 2) has great potential to replace current fossil ...
There is an abundance of green energy worldwide. That is why we are at the beginning of a solar world revolution. It is now a matter of doing the right thing, as many countries are already doing. It ...
During the US election campaign, Donald Trump announced that he wanted to end the Russian-Ukrainian war ‘within 24 hours’.
A major motor for the global climate is beginning to falter: a massive system of ocean currents called the Atlantic ...
The south-western Baltic Sea has about 3,000 kilograms of dissolved toxic chemicals released from unexploded ordnance, ...
Agreement paving the way for the 17th session of the Convention's Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Ulaanbaatar in 2026 ...
Nuclear energy has traditionally sought economies of scale through massive constructions. This approach, however, has led to ...
Australian researchers are designing a global real-time monitoring system to help save the world’s coral reefs from further decline, primarily due to ...
Menschen auf der ganzen Welt werden künftig die Gewinner der solaren Weltrevolution werden, wenn sie erneuerbaren Strom für einen oder zwei Euro-Cent herstellen. „Bürger zur Sonne, zur Freiheit!“ – ...
Seit dem Atomunfall im japanischen Fukushima im Jahr 2011 sind in Europa bis Ende 2024 insgesamt 37 Atomkraftwerke (AKW) dauerhaft vom Netz genommen worden. Dieser Trend der Stilllegungen von ...