It was scarcely a year ago that reporters were writing the obituary for Louisiana Democrats, as then-senator Mary Landrieu hurtled toward certain defeat to Republican Bill Cassidy in her bid for a ...
In 2014 he defeated incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu and has since celebrated public funding to better understand vaccine hesitancy in the Senate. He urged the public to get the Covid-19 vaccine ...
In 2022, Heidi Heitkamp, a former senator of North Dakota, and Mary Landrieu, a former senator of Louisiana, began making public appearances representing the methane gas lobbying group Natural ...
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 1995 - 2016 Senate election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data available electronically on December 09, 2024. ("Help! The numbers don't ...
Whitehorn was recommended for this key federal position by Sen. Mary Landrieu and was nominated by President Barack Obama. Whitehorn also served as chief of police for Shreveport and is a U.S. Air ...