For a second time since City Hall bought the former Cartus Corp. campus with plans to open a new 1,400-student school, ...
School zones should add speed bumps as a safety measure to keep students safe from vehicles speeding. Children are constantly ...
It’s an Our Quad Cities News traffic alert for Bettendorf. A new school zone sign was put in place outside of Bettendorf High ...
Virginia Beach has joined the growing list of localities across Hampton Roads and Virginia to implement speed cameras in ...
Two area high school students just won a state competition as a part of the Oregon Department of Transportation's "Work Zone ...
The Loveland Police Department’s new mobile radar vehicle registered 50 speeders in just 30 minutes in a school zone and, ...
This week, conversations surrounding school safety have shifted from school zone cameras to innovative technology being implemented on beach school buses aimed at protecting students.
The Georgia House of Representatives punted the question to the Georgia Senate this week when it passed two competing bills: one that would ban the school zone speed cameras and one that would tighten ...
But your I-Team also uncovered the BOE’s Permit submitted to the Georgia Department of Transportation says the cameras will run one hour before classes, and one hour after dismissal. Burke County’s ...