Cliff Bentz, stood before a town hall of more than 400 of his constituents in deeply red eastern Oregon and faced a barrage ...
Cliff Bentz, Oregon's sole Republican member of Congress, took a verbal lashing in his conservative district as Trump's cost-cutting policies have caused chaos ...
It is heartbreaking to witness what Elon Musk and President Donald Trump are doing to shrink the federal government, (“ ...
Some readers wish to see their viewpoints reflected in the pages. But our job is to cover what is, not what one faction of ...
Despite sunny weather on Saturday, about 1,200 people chose to spend their afternoon gathered in the Centennial High School ...
The once-obscure Office of Personnel Management, essentially the human resources department of the federal government, is now ground zero for Elon Musk and President Donald Trump’s efforts to slash ...
Speaking of safety and security, at the Federal Aviation Administration, 130 workers were laid off last month. The Trump ...
When he steps onto the dais in the House chamber on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump will have another major platform to ...