Live Action uploaded the “Baby Olivia” video featuring a British narrator and “Bridgerton”-esque background music in August 2021. It has since racked up more than 9 million views.
A group of Arkansas lawmakers voted down a bill that would require schools to show a three-minute video about pregnancy to fifth-graders.
While HB 1255 bill doesn’t mention any video by name, Florida appears to be following the lead of other Republican-led states ...
North Dakota and Tennessee have passed similar laws in recent years with support from the anti-abortion group that makes the ...
Senator Breanne Davis voted against the bill and told KATV “Today I voted against HB1180 because it continues to list a ...
Arkansas law bans abortion at all stages of pregnancy except when necessary to "save the life of a pregnant woman in a ...
Olivia Farnsworth from Huddersfield has a rare genetic disorder, chromosome 6p deletion, which makes her immune to pain, ...
It has produced a video called “Baby Olivia,” which has racked up more ... s time for delivery and greet the outside world.” Live Action posts “frequently asked questions” below the ...