When we're talking about autonomous vehicles, there are very big names. Who are those names and what are they up to? Aarian ...
The Uncanny Valley Explained - Why Robots, Dolls and Mannequins are Creepy The Uncanny Valley is a common unsettling, anxious ...
We’ve covered a ton of Boston Dynamics robots but this is the second one in a row that has shown a departure from what a lot of people’s notion of an ‘advanced’ robot should look like.
It’s a small robot at just over 80 cm in height ... That’s too far down the uncanny valley for us. Video below.
The wide, slightly frantic eyes left no doubt the technology was firmly in "uncanny valley" territory but the ... flickering faces and bipedal robots that stomped around the room, steadying ...
In a blog post yesterday titled "Crossing the Uncanny Valley of Conversational Voice," the company dropped a demo of its new ...
The eerie and uncomfortable new show at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC comes at a poignant moment ...
The robots shown off highlight how companies are thinking about positioning the tech, including AI, in the home. Cool, a little bizarre, and in some cases smack dab in the uncanny valley ...