The rabid gang of teens only stopped beating on the defenseless man after “witnesses approached to intervene,” police shared.
A woman was fatally struck by a Dodge Charger that was racing another vehicle in South Los Angeles and both vehicles fled the scene ... in the area of 66th Street and Normandie Avenue, according ...
Residents in West Los Angeles are living in fear after a naked man attacked a 63-year-old woman outside her home.
A broken water main has left a busy area of Los ... Angeles with serious flooding on city streets. The flood, reported at 4:10 a.m. Monday, is most prominent on the 600 block of Formosa Avenue, a ...
SOUTH LOS ANGELES (KABC ... who was crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, police said. Police said the driver of the Charger fled the scene. Paramedics transported the 34-year-old ...
A woman became the latest victim of illegal street racers in Los Angeles after she was struck ... aid after striking the victim and fled the scene. The woman was pronounced dead at a local hospital.