These pioneers included German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg, who developed a press that would eventually see him recognised as the father of modern-day printing. “Integral to Gutenberg’s ...
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
. But the most important part of his invention was actually moveable type. Before Gutenberg, the closest Europe had to printing was the woodblock. The woodblock was a piece of wood with all the ...
Simultaneously, the Augmented Reality (AR) features of smart glasses serve to improve the user experience, able to ...
The rise of AI and AI-powered, online apps for instruction is allowing for mass learning at unprecedented speed and scale.
which could put his name in history books someday alongside Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the Gutenberg printing press.
(Which is the year the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, who is the subject of the musical that Bud and Doug write, but that’s not important right now.) Gutenberg! The Musical!
An engraving showing a Gutenberg printing press. Before Johannes Gutenberg's invention, reproducing a book involved copying it by hand. All across Europe, the printing press was revolutionising ...
When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440, he surely could never have imagined just how much it would change the lives of people all over the world for centuries to come.
Paper and moveable type were already in use in China in 1440 when Johannes Gutenberg brought them together and invented the printing press. It was the Renaissance and a few thinkers were already ...