Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) said he was carrying out the will of people in his district when he ripped a sign away from a ...
A House Republican and House Democrat got into a confrontation over a sign protesting President Trump before his speech to ...
The sign was only visible for a few seconds before Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) noticed it and ripped the sheet of paper out ...
Democrats have spent days deciding how to protest Trump’s unofficial State of the Union address. A small faction decided not ...
Trump’s contentious session was riddled with Democrat protests, despite the House Freedom Caucus, which is composed of ...
“You can see it in the poll numbers. I can hear it in the focus groups, like it’s already starting to turn,” said Longwell, founder of the Republican Voters Against Trump group and publisher of the ...
Melanie Stansbury (D-NM) held up a sign reading, “This is not normal” as Trump entered the House chamber last Tuesday. This prompted the Republican congressman to rip the sign out of her hand ...