This system helps investors differentiate between varying levels of risk within the same rating category. Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch are the three leading credit rating agencies globally ...
Fitch Ratings said on Wednesday it has downgraded Nissan Motor's rating to junk-status BB+ from BBB-, referring to the ...
Fitch's ratings are similar to S&P's, while Moody's uses a slightly different scale ... As you scan down the chart, credit quality decreases and risk increases. Debt rated below BBB- will pay ...
(Bloomberg) -- Nissan Motor Co.’s credit is now graded as junk by all three major credit raters, following a second downgrade in a matter of days. Fitch Ratings cut the carmaker to BB+ from BBB ...
Fitch Ratings lowered Nissan’s rating from BBB- to BB+, pointing to weak earnings and an uncertain recovery outlook. Moody’s downgraded the automaker last week, while S&P Global Ratings has ...
International rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service have both upgraded Sri Lanka’s ratings providing a much needed boost for the cash-strapped country. The Central Bank (CB) said ... receives Baa3 credit rating from Moody's and BBB- from Fitch, highlighting its strong financials and diverse business model. has recently received its second international credit ...
The move came after Moody’s Ratings last week also cut its rating of Nissan by one notch to non-investment grade Ba1. S&P Global Ratings last month revised the carmaker’s credit outlook to ...
Fitch Ratings lowered Nissan’s rating from BBB- to BB+, pointing to weak earnings and an uncertain recovery outlook. Moody’s downgraded the automaker last week, while S&P Global Ratings has classified ...