Results indicate that the closer the Doomsday Clock ticks to midnight, the higher the rates are for mortality specific to ...
Learn more about the study that links some physical and mental health issues to our awareness of global challenges.
The Doomsday Clock is a metaphor that represents how close humanity is to self-destruction, due to nuclear weapons and climate change. The clock hands are set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, ...
This year’s Doomsday Clock Statement landed like a damp squib in a Trump-swamped corporate news cycle on January 28th. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists only moved the hands of the Clock ...
One month ago, we turned the calendar on a new year. But just days ago, another clock turned – the so-called Doomsday clock. That symbolic clock was created 76 years ago by atomic scientists, ...
It was a small change, but a frightening one. Last month, the "Doomsday Clock" was moved up to 89 seconds, the closest the world has ever been to total annihilation. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, ...
Seventy-eight years ago, scientists created a unique sort of timepiece — named the Doomsday Clock — as a symbolic attempt to gauge how close humanity is to destroying the world.On Tuesday ...
(CNN) — Seventy-eight years ago, scientists created a unique sort of timepiece — named the Doomsday Clock — as a symbolic attempt to gauge how close humanity is to destroying the world.
Earth is moving closer to destruction, a science-oriented advocacy group said Tuesday as it advanced its famous “Doomsday Clock” to 89 seconds till midnight, the closest it has ever been.
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock — set by top scientists, including multiple Nobel laureates — has just inched forward to 89 seconds before midnight, a “stark signal ...
The Doomsday Clock has moved one second closer to midnight, in a terrifying signal that the world is closer than ever before to Armageddon. Warning that "continuing on the current path is a form ...
Howard relents and resolves to help Bobby. This scene is rendered unforgettable by a depiction of the Doomsday Clock with its minute hand pointing at 15 seconds to midnight. In real life ...