Pasadena Heritage presents the every-other-year bridge bash, which features food trucks, bands, and zero automobiles.
According to the City of Colorado Springs, Las Vegas Street under the Circle Drive Bridges will be closed beginning Friday, March 14.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — Officials said that while they work on a plan to replace the Fillmore Street bridge over Monument Creek, it remains safe to drive on. Gayle Sturdivant ...
Once completed, it will connect the pedestrian bridge to 61st Street. The City of Boulder said the bridge is 11 years old and is currently closed to everyone. Once reopened, it will become a 10 ...
Drivers may see closures and delays this week as construction occurs on Las Vegas Street under the Circle Drive bridges.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — The city has closed a bridge over Fountain Creek at the intersection of 25th Street and Naegele Road, on the southwest side of Old Colorado City. According to ...
Starting today, the bridge at 25th Street and Naegele Road will be closed for maintenance. This is in Old Colorado City. The closure will last for four weeks.