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Dr. James D. Reade, DC is a practicing chiropractor in Chandler, Arizona. In addition, He is fully licensed to perform physical therapeutics and acupuncture. Dr. Reade has utilized applied …
Dr. James D. Reade, DC is a practicing chiropractor in Chandler, Arizona. In addition, He is fully licensed to perform physical therapeutics and acupuncture. Dr. Reade has utilized applied kinesiology for numerous years and is well versed in nutrition. He also has a special interest in golf and athletic injuries. Dr. James D. Reade, DC is the owner and operator of Arizona Family Health Centre located in Chandler, Arizona. AZFHC is a family-owned holistic practice providing functional/alternative medicine. Providers consider several components that may contribute to your overall wellness. AZFHC offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, nutrition, detox and many more services.